Can I be forgiven if I’ve had an abortion?

*Please note: This article is intended to help those who have already had an abortion. If you are reading this presuming that you will ask for forgiveness after getting an abortion, please consider this warning. The Bible says that God is not to be mocked for whatever a person sows, they will reap (Galatians 6:7).

If you’ve had an abortion, you may be experiencing regret, grief, or prolonged sorrow. These feelings are normal. Because God designed you to have a conscience, you may be feeling guilty and sad. The reality has likely set in that an innocent life was snuffed out. You may be wondering how you can live with yourself and whether God can ever forgive you. 

The truth is that none of us can change the past. We all make mistakes and you cannot reverse an abortion. Rationalizing away the decision to have an abortion will not lessen your anguish. In fact, it is important to realize how serious this sin is before a holy God. Until you realize that, you won't be able to experience real forgiveness and healing.

The Bible says that we all sin—we “miss the mark” (Romans 3:23). None of us live up to God's perfect standards. Sin is any thought or deed that is against God such as lying, stealing, or gossiping. Abortion is a far more serious sin that God will punish accordingly. That is why forgiveness is so critical.

Sin is bad news. The bad news is that because we sin, we are subject to God’s judgment. God’s judgment for sin is eternal death in hell (Romans 6:23, Revelation 21:8). We cannot go to heaven without perfect obedience to God. But... there is good news.

The good news is that God sent His Son Jesus to be a man, that is, Jesus is God who took on human form. When Jesus lived as a man, he suffered as we do—He got tired, sad, happy, and injured. But He also did what we cannot do. Jesus perfectly kept the law of God—He was perfectly righteous. Then, Jesus willingly died on our behalf—He took the punishment that we deserved—He died in the place of sinners like you and me (Ephesians 1:7).

After Jesus died, God the Father raised Jesus from the dead as proof that the Father accepted the death of His Son as payment for people’s sins. When we believe—by God’s grace through faith—that Jesus died for us, God will look at us and see the perfect righteousness of Jesus. Perfection is the standard to get into heaven and we can’t achieve perfection ourselves. But by having faith in Christ, we are granted His perfection and declared innocent.

Because of Jesus’ finished work, God can forgive you and give you a new heart. But, you must believe in Christ! What does it mean to “believe?” It is not merely agreeing with the facts, but it involves God’s changing your heart and making you a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). As a result, you can be forgiven for every sin, even abortion. If God is working in you, granting you faith, then you need to repent (turn your heart away from sin and toward God).

When God forgives you, healing can finally begin (Psalm 147:3) and you will be amazed at the kindness, love, and transforming power of Jesus Christ!